Monday, April 2, 2012

Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter Review

Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter
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This is a very disappointing book. The preface promises "All projects use standard parts and have been thoroughly tested, with PC board layouts given for most the projects, as well as parts lists, coil data, and complete setup information." However, the only time it delivers all this information is when the transmitter in question is a kit from a certain vendor in New York State. For everything else, the information supplied is minimal at best.
For instance, Chapter 16 (Low-Power Narrowband FM Transmitters) provides a schematic for a ? watt amateur 2 meter FM transmitter that completely omits data on all coils, inductors, etc. in the design. There's no parts list, no PC board layout, and minimal description of the circuit. The chapter goes on to describe a UHF transmitter based on an obsolete integrated circuit.
Now I can't fault the authors for including a design based on an obsolete chip. The chip was probably in full production when this chapter was written. However, omitting the coil data for the 2 meter transmitter is unacceptable.
Chapters describing the various transmitter kits are chock full of information. There's also some interesting chapters on FM stereo generation and serial data remote control. However, on a whole, the book leaves out a lot of detail on the transmitters I bought it for. I would have been better off looking for a suitable ARRL publication.

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Rudolf Graf and William Sheets have written a book containing twenty low-power (LP) transmitter projects, perfect for the electronics hobbyist and radio experimenter. Now that the FCC has changed its regulations about "pirate" transmissions, more and more people are setting up radio and video stations for broadcast from their homes. Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters addresses applications for hobbyist broadcasting of AM, SSB, TV, FM Stereo and NBFM VHF-UHF signals with equipment the reader can build himself for thousands of dollars less than similar equipment sold on the retail market. The authors also fully explore the legal limits and ramifications of using the equipment as well as how to get the best performance for optimum range. The key advantage is referencing a low-cost source for all needed parts, including the printed circuit board, as well as the kit.Projects in the book include: LP FM stereo transmitter; digitally synthesized PLL FM stereo transmitter; LP AM transmitter for 150-1710 KHz; radio control transmitter/receiver; carrier current transmitter and AM and FM receivers; LP VHF one-way and two-way audio links; 1-watt 40-meter CW transmitter for ham radio use; SSB LP transmitter for 10-meter ham radio use; 2-meter VHF FM ham radio transmitter; FM video link for 900 MHz NTSC/PAL operation; 2-watt TV transmitters for 440, 900 and 1300 MHz amateur TV NTSC/PAL transmissions; linear amplifier for 440MHz, 10-15watt NTSC/PAL operation; Downconverters for 440, 900 and 1300 MHz with VHF channel 3 or 4 output; TV video receiving systems and AM-FM IF systems; LP video link for UHF channels 14-18; 1-watt CW beacon transmitter for Part 15 LF radio experimentation; CW identifier for transmitters; test equipment projects for LP transmitters; as well as an RF power meter and modulation monitor. Complete source information will be included to help each reader find the kits and parts they need to build these fascinating projects. Unique among comparable project books, this one offers a low-cost source for all parts, including the printed circuit board. This allows immediate completion without needing to search for difficult to find partsFeatures twenty low-power transmitter projects

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